06.08 Saturday

14:00 - 20:00

The stairs of Vytautas park, Trakų st. 1

Performative workshop "Sisyphian possession"

Performative workshop "Sisyphian possession"

06.08 Saturday

14:00 - 20:00

The stairs of Vytautas park, Trakų st. 1

Performative workshop "Sisyphian possession"

06.08 Saturday

14:00 - 20:00

The stairs of Vytautas park, Trakų st. 1

Performative workshop "Sisyphian possession"

If in the past couple of days or months you were able to relate to the "Sisyphus" of the great Greek myth, coming to the workshop "Sisyphian possession" is an idea worth realizing. It is going to be a perfect place to reflect and tame your feelings along with staying cultured and alert while experiencing one of the prettiest stairs in Kaunas. Just don't forget to bring one thing that symbolises your (and Sisyphus') agony - a rock. However, do not worry - we can give one to your liking at the event as well. Project "PaKoPa" wishes to see you soon, we hope you notice as many angel numbers as possible on the way here!

The event is free to attend. The event is sponsored by Kaunas city municipality.